Monday, May 01, 2006

JBoss on Road event

Last Friday I attended a JBoss on Road event.

In the morning a JBoss Operations Network Workshop was given; this is a large set of tools to monitor JBoss AS in a network; quite interesting, I think for companies that use JBoss AS for production purpose this tool adds much value as a server management utility.

In the afternoon, a presentation about JBoss Seam was given. Before the presentation I didn't expect it to add value (why add another layer to a too much layered architecture)? However, JBoss Seam is a framework that integrates JSF and EJB 3 by removing the binding layer (replacing it with annotations). Absolutely worth looking at!

If there are enough people that like it, a Dutch JBoss User Group (eventually combined with Belgium) may be founded!

Contact JBoss if you like to help founding a User group.

The prototype is being built; I was too busy in doing other (less nice) things; my garden is currently "under construction", and while working on it, I found that the sewer was stuck and needed replacement. This will still take another month, unless than I've got less time to write.


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